I was reading YES! magazine-powerful ideas practical actions.  (you can check it out online!) It is my favorite magazine, so many incredible people and the positive things they are doing in our world.  This issue was called “What happy families know”.

The article that caught my eye was about sitting down to family dinner on a regular basis.  It made me remember my four kids and how, during the week, we had dinner every night.  Attendance was required, friends were welcome.  We would sit around the table and each person would share the best and worst of their day.  It was sweet and sometimes teary what was shared, an opportunity for all of us to understand each other better.  With two busy working parents, kids at school and activities it was often the only time during the day that we all sat together.  It was a time to be there, together, to look everyone in the eye and see how they were.  I loved hearing their best and worst reports and seeing what we could do to support them.  No devices were allowed at the table, period.

It was a time to unplug from busyland  and just be together.  My kids still report to me what a difference that made for them and how much they liked it.  I am always surprised to get this feedback now that they are young adults, there was a lot of complaining at the time about having to be home for that, not being able to text during dinner etc.  Here is what I know, life flows along so quickly and there is no time down the road to get to that good idea.  Just do it now, tonight , get some food on the table and all sit down together.  If you are too busy to cook, hire a teen to come in and prep all the food so you can just put it together (that is what I did), or if your kids are old enough, have someone come in and teach them how to make a certain dish, and serve that for dinner-double bonus, kids learn to cook and everyone eats!! We did that too.  Whatever it takes, sit down together, look into the eyes of these people that you love, and spend a few moments conversing and sharing a meal.  Let me know how it goes!