1.    It tastes better!!!  

2.    You prevent diseases like cancer, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes in your own body.  Many studies show a clear connection to the toxic load of pesticides in the body and the increased incidence of disease.  Butter, Cheese, Dairy products, and meats have a much higher concentration of toxins, so these items are the most important to buy organic—and local if you can.

3.    You support your body by eating clean food free of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides-all of these are POISON, made to kill.  This is not something you want in your body!!  Eating organic makes your liver, kidneys, colon, heart, brain, and whole body happy!!

4.    You support local farmers and support our Earth by creating healthy soil and a renewable resource.  Organic Farming practices make the soil stronger and healthier, while conventional farming depletes and pollutes the soil making it weaker and weaker.  Only 7% of all farmland in the United States grows food strong/healthy enough that it actually has the nutrients we expect in it; and is capable of producing healthy seed.

Some tips for eating organically: visit EWG.org to see an ongoing list of the “dirty dozen” — the top 12 vegetables/fruits that have the highest content of pesticides.  Visit your local farmer’s market and try some organic foods today!!   Also check out Thrive Market for organic products at great discounts.